Complementary Consultations:
No Cost & No Obligation
A complementary consultation is offered to answer your questions, and make you feel at ease before making a decision.
Advice is given how to prepare before cosmetic and medical tattoo, for the best possible outcome.
Sometimes a client may not be suitable for tattoo.
All treatments and consultations are held in Medical rooms, we have the highest hygiene and safety standards.


At Highbrow Creative we work to achieve the best possible outcome, a natural look, through artistic and professional experience.
We use high quality Swiss pigments, an organic synthetic pigment, free from iron oxides, and colour stable. These pigments are safe for MRI scans.
Helen Chadwick
Micro Pigmentation Practitioner
​Helen is a highly experienced operating room Nurse Specialist in Plastic surgery.
Studied Visual Arts, she is a practising Artist.
A combination of her experience and passion for the Arts and science led her to train in the art of Paramedical tattoo and Brow Micro Pigmentation.
Helen trained with various national and international trainers.

Cosmetic tattoo is a semi permanent treatment. Micro blading involves implanting pigment into the basal layer of the epidermis by using very fine hand held needles, to etch and mimic brow hair. The shading technique involves the tattoo machine, the combination of both can complement the final outcome. Local anaesthetic cream is applied before and during the procedure. Allow 2 hours for each appointment.
A second appointment is necessary, and offered 4-6 weeks later to touch up and finish the tattoo.

How do I prepare for my tattoo?Clients are advised not to have chemical peels, laser or over exposure to the sun the week before cosmetic tattoo. Also avoid alcohol 24 hours prior.
Will the tattoo hurt?Most people experience a little discomfort. Topical numbing solution is used to minimise this discomfort for the duration of the procedure.
How do I care for my tattoo?Colours will appear darker for approximately three days, then the pigment will gradually appear more natural. - No sun or water directly on the pigment in the first week after the procedure. -Lifestyle, including medication, smoking and metabolism all contribute to fading over time. It is recommended that sun block be worn over the pigmented area to prevent the pigment from fading. Clients will be given detailed instructions on the care of tattoo post procedure.
Will I need a follow up treatment?Final results cannot be determined until touch up application is completed. A scheduled visit after a month will determine the necessity of a retouch application. Cosmetic tattoo is semi-permanent and will require periodic colour boost treatment at a later date. To maintain a fresh appearance, a regular retouch application may be considered after 12-18 months.
Can you tell me about the pigment?At Highbrow Creative we use ‘Swiss Colour International’ high quality pigments. 'Swiss Colour International' are the world’s first Organic Synthetic pigments and meet the safe standards of the European Cosmetic guidelines. They are free of iron oxides, contain no banned heavy metals and are colour stable. These pigments are safe for MRI scans.
Can I feel safe with the hygiene in your clinic?We adhere to strict health and hygiene standards; we use disposable sterile needles,and new equipment operated by an experienced nurse located in medical specialist rooms. Following any procedure you will receive written instructions and complimentary aftercare products.
What is the cost?All brow treatments , allow 2hrs. ( No down time after the appointment ) We offer Micro blading or feather , Ombre or shading technique, or a combination of both. Consultation no charge. 1st appointment $560 2nd appointment $140 4-6 weeks later , to finish the cosmetic tattoo. On going brow appointments, 12-36 months. from $200. Medical Pigmentation No charge for consultation From $250 $500 Areola / nipple may require 2-3 sessions . Also both areola might benefit.
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Geelong Plastic surgeon rooms.
Mr I. Holten Mr R Acosta
ASFB 50 Western Beach Road, Geelong.
Saturday Appointments

Cosmetic Refinement Clinic
Tenancy 9, 400-404
Pakington Street,
Newtown, Geelong
Mid week Appointments.